Tuesday, July 22, 2008


1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

I have loved seeing this on other peoples blog and totally want to play along


Maggie said...

Kelsey I just love you!

My favorite memories of you are when you were our district leader in Kirtland and somehow managed to keep all 16 or whatever of us crazy girls in check! Probably the key was that you were just as crazy. Remember Big Red the ball and the olympics we had in your living room? also the totally spiritual moments like singing for all the senior couples.

I miss it!
love maggie

Anonymous said...

Dude....as your sister, I gotta tell you that you need to change your yellow background. Your semi blind sister cant read a word of it.

I liked it when you sewed me to the bed.

Or the time we were sleeping together and I rolled over in bed and put my arm in your puke......

Or, of course, the naked massages in Colorado. That image of you being slathered in green mud is BURNED into my memory forever.

I also remember when you gave your boyfriend cash for his birthday....CLASSIC!

Becki R said...

Where to start with the memories? I remember the first time we worked together at San Vicent and I thought what a cool girl you were! And you saved my last 6 weeks there--you totally helped me get through the hard times! And you loved those kids as much as I did which helped me know that they would be taken care of when I left! (P.S. sorry for blog stalking you! But I'm just happy to have contact again! )

Dawn said...

I have tons of Kelsie memories, but one that I just remembered with Erin the other day was when you two were going on your first dates to the LHS Homecoming Dance and your dress still had the security tag thing on it and we had to wander around the mall trying to find a store that had the right kind of tool to take it off. Then we saw your dates there and for some reason you and Erin thought that was hilarious.

Alisa said...

oh my....I love having you has part of my Ohio memories!! I remember first seeing you and thinking, "she is so cute, I want to get to know her." As I picture you as a missionary I definitely picture you wearing a Jodi Dress...ha ha, gotta love those! I remember feeling so fat and you suggested I take a diarhetic pill. I was in SO much pain that night!!! I remember being the key note speaker with you at Kirtland Youth Conference and learning so much from you! I miss you!

Erin said...

Wow. I have no idea where to start. Maybe I should just do like a top ten list or something. Clearly at the top would be:
1. Getting hit by a car together in 5th grade.
2. Running away to Marshall´s house on New Years.
3. Getting arrested for curfew in 9th grade.

Apparently my favorite memories include us getting hurt of in major trouble! Remember when we used to make up dances to Bette Midler songs in your living room? Ok...that´s just kind of embarrassing!

powerhouse said...

Erin--I was thinking yesterday about the time we sang the song "Peanut, Peanut Butter and Jelly" in an assembly.. What were we thinking?

Dawn said...

Oh but your best public performance was when you did the lip sync to Wishin' and Hopin' at the high school spirit week competition. That might be a classic

MattJulieGavin said...

Okay, so I remember...the trip down to chelsie's wedding, i too remember our army boys; sand fleas at the "waterpark" in ecuador; when you got deathly ill in the amazon and seriously terrified me; my favorite N.O.C was with you; slumber party on the roof; oh my gosh i so miss you like crazy right now!!! we had some good times & i can't wait for more fun, crazy times!!!

Katie M. Brown said...

ok so my favorite memory has to be when we were in the mtc and you totally had a crush on elder iverson...that was hillarious...oh us silly sisters.. not emotionally ready for the mtc. i love you and thenreally realizin how much i missed you after our first transfer and not being together everyday anymore....

Kat said...

When my group first got to Ecuador I was a little nervous just because I didn't know anybody but you and Steph were so great and made us feel right at home there. You basically taught us all we needed to know that first night.

The Wangsgard's said...

Ok one of my favorite memories was the Miss America pageants that we use to do. I remember one year I won and you guys made me walk down the ile in Bowmans as you announced that Miss America was in the store on the speaker. But to top that one you also made me stand on a table in Jake's over the top and sing "I'm a little tea pot" actions and all. I was soooooo embarrassed!

We've had some good memories with all the fun soccer bus rides in High school. Good times!

Andrew & Kristin said...

I am so glad you found my blog. I have been trying to get a hold of you! I miss you! I have so many memories from Snow one of my favorites was when we all drew names for Christmas and got to share our presents. I also remember when you and Stephanie and Charlynn came to Richfield to see me in Miss sevier and we all did pedicures and slept in my bed!

Melissa said...

Hi Kelsey
I was so excited to see your comment on my blog. It's been a long time since I've talked to you! Cliff and I just had our 4th anniversary and we were remembering the good times we all had at Snow and Alta Apts- which we are now residents of again!

we share: said...

grossing out over your cream cheese and cheese bagels...ew. rocking out to music until mindy was so pissed...speakin gof her...remember that day she wrote a nasty note on the dishwasher???? ha! ha! she was so weird! also talking late at night and ALL YOUR SHOES!!! my favorite has to be a certain time when we were getting ready to go swimming and both bent over to put on bottoms at the same time... you know the rest ;) miss you girl.

Unknown said...

Where do I begin....I loved when we all used to play night games at the Nichols. Sleeping in Kara's van and then going toilet papering. Sleeping over at your house and all I remember us ever doing is making tons of food and eating ALL the time. Oh and how we thought it was cool to go to Classic Skating. I have so many memories I could go on for days. Remember how we used to always watch "Grease" over at Erin's in elementary. The Drama with boys...OH the good ol days!
I havent seen you forever but somehow I came across your blog. Your family is beautiful and its always good to see someone from the past.
Love ya

JaNae said...

Kelsie! I found your blog on Melissa's! Your family is so darling. It has been forever since I have heard anything about you. Last I had heard or seen you was the day of your mission farewell. So much has happened! Your little girl is adorable.
You might not remember this, but I was just thinking about this the other day -- when we lived at BYU in Alta, one Saturday you wanted to get your hair trimmed, and so I decided I'd go with and have mine trimmed as well. So many memories: singing while you played the piano, double dates, first tour of Gold's Gym as your guest... I could go on! :)
It's great to see your blog and catch up.