Thursday, May 22, 2008

First Steps

For the past week or so Dora has been standing up on her own and clapping for herself because she knows that makes her really big and then last night for the first time, she took three steps!! She was like so shocked and proud of herself and I couldn't have been more proud was so cute. I almost started to cry because that for sure makes her big. Dan was at Young Mens so I texted him the big news...he was excited too and sad he missed but I'm sure she'll do it again.

Some of my other favorite things she's doing right now are:
1. We have to pray like 30 times a day because she loves to fold her arms and then throw her arms up in the air for "amen." It is really cute...
2. She loves to say "uh oh" and throws just about everything on the floor possible during dinner so she can say a million times.
3. She loves to go up and down the stairs and is pulling herself up to everything.
4. She's trying to figure out how to work a spoon and fork. She tries so hard and eats so cute.
5. Whenever she looks at her new puppy book, she says "bubba" for buddy the dog, and then whoofwhoofwhoof.. it's really really cute.
6. She loves to look surprised and puts her hands up, like "what is that mom" every time we hear a strange or different sound...

alright, I could go on but won't bore you anymore. all in all being a mom to this little darling girl is the best thing ever. She just melts my heart and I love her so much...


Alisa said...

CUTE!! You're little girl is SO cute! I can't believe you're a mom (even though you have been for a year now). PS: Love the cake, did you do that?

Anonymous said...

I love that you were leaving me a message when it happened. I truly do know how excited you were.

Kat said...

Hello this is Kat from Ecuador. I came across your blog from Whitney's. I wasn't sure if it was you or not but the first picture I saw was your adorable Adora and she looks just like you. My daughter just turned one this month too. It is such a fun age.